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One handy Powershell script template to rule them all

Writer: Eitan BluminEitan Blumin

If you know me, you already know that I'm a huge fan of automation. Therefore, it's natural to assume that I would dabble in Powershell at least once or twice or a few dozen, as a method to implement useful automations. After all, automation is pretty much the whole essence of Powershell in the first place.

As I used Powershell scripts more and more, I learned that there are a few things that are important to have whenever you use such scripts as part of automation (by "automation" I mean any sort of operation done "unattended", i.e. without direct human interaction in real-time).

Here are the main general points that I learned:

Or, if TL;DR and you want to skip to the juicy parts:

Automated scripts must have historical logs

If at any point an automated script fails for some reason, or does not behave as expected, it would be invaluable to have it produce and retain historical logs that could later be investigated for clues as to what it did, and where and why it failed.

Powershell has a few useful cmdlets for this, capable of writing an Output to any sort of destination, such as a log file. For example, Out-File.

However, in my personal experience, nothing beats the level of verbosity offered by a special cmdlet called Start-Transcript.

This cmdlet receives a -Path parameter pointing to where you want to save your log (or "transcript") file, and once you run it, all outputs generated by your script would be saved to that log file. Even if that output came from a system or 3rd-party cmdlet which you have no control over, and even if you did not use Out-File.

It's important to note, though, that it would NOT capture output generated by the Write-Host cmdlet. But its sister cmdlets Write-Output, Write-Verbose, Write-Error, Write-Warning, etc. are all fair game and would be captured by the transcript.

When using system or 3rd-party cmdlets, you should remember to use the -Verbose switch so that those commands would generate useful output. For example Invoke-SqlCmd, Remove-Item, Copy-Item, etc.

Having the output of those cmdlets will help you greatly while investigating historical transcript logs.

Once you're done saving output to your transcript file, you can run the Stop-Transcript cmdlet.

Timestamps are important

Printing out messages is all nice and dandy, but sometimes it's also important to know when those messages were printed. There are all kinds of different reasons why it's important to have a timestamp next to your log messages. For example:

  • So that you could correlate the execution of specific steps or cmdlets with events and incidents elsewhere in your system, in order to understand their impact.

  • The duration of specific operations could sometimes have critical implications. For example, when something that should be immediate suddenly takes several minutes to complete (or vice versa), it could mean that something went terribly wrong.

  • "Performance tuning" your script by detecting which cmdlets took the longest time to execute, and possibly find more efficient alternatives.

With that said, printing out the current timestamp is not always straightforward in Powershell. So, I wrote the following little function for myself that could then be used anywhere within the script:

function Get-TimeStamp {
    $dt = Get-Date
    if ($Utc -eq $true) {
        $dt = $dt.ToUniversalTime()
    $str = "{0:MM/dd/yy} {0:HH:mm:ss}" -f $dt
    if ($NoWrap -ne $true) {
        $str = "[$str]"
    return $str
# Example usage:
Write-Output "$(Get-TimeStamp) Example output message. Check out the timestamp on this bad boy."
Write-Output "$(Get-TimeStamp -Utc) This output message is timestamped in UTC time zone."
Write-Output "$(Get-TimeStamp -Utc -NoWrap) The UTC timestamp here is without the square brackets."

The output of the above would look like this:

Historical logs need to be cleaned up

What, you thought it was enough to just create historical logs and that's it? Those things take up space, buddy. Therefore, it's important to remember to delete those log files when they're too old.

Something like the following code block should do the trick nicely:

Get-ChildItem $logFileFolderPath | Where-Object { $_.Name -like "*.log" -and $_.LastWriteTime -lt $(Get-Date).AddDays(-30) } | Remove-Item

Installing missing modules

More often than not, you would be using some kind of special module (or several) as part of your Powershell script. For example, DbaTools, or Az.Sql, or whatever else you crazy people use these days.

But could you be bothered to always remember to install those modules before running your automation scripts? If you forget, your scripts would fail. And what if they're already installed? Trying to install them again could cause an error too.

This trick below is based on something I learned from the source code of some of the DbaTools cmdlets. But I find it useful for many other things as well:

$modules = @("Az.Accounts", "Az.Compute", "Az.Sql", "dbatools")
foreach ($module in $modules) {
    if (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name $module) {
        Write-Verbose "$(Get-TimeStamp) $module already installed"
    else {
        Write-Information "$(Get-TimeStamp) Installing $module"
        Install-Module $module -Force -SkipPublisherCheck -Scope CurrentUser -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
        Import-Module $module -Force -Scope Local | Out-Null

The above is basically an "if-not-exists-then-install" done on an array of modules. This array can be easily changed in a single line of code.

And so, a script template was born

Taking all of what I learned above, and more, I wrote for myself a handy Powershell script that I use as a "template" of sorts. Every time I need to start writing a new script for automation, I take a copy of that template and add the relevant body of script that I need.

I have a few such scripts that can be downloaded from the Madeira Toolbox GitHub repository:

Let's go over the main sections in these scripts and see what they do:


The "Params" section declares the parameters for the script. These already include parameters that control things such as the path where the transcript logs should be saved, their retention depth in days, and so on. For example:

[string]$logFileFolderPath = "C:\Madeira\log",
[string]$logFilePrefix = "my_ps_script_",
[string]$logFileDateFormat = "yyyyMMdd_HHmmss",
[int]$logFileRetentionDays = 30

You can of course add more parameters for your own use here, as needed.


The "initialization" region encompasses all the stuff you'd need to do before getting to the crux of your script. These are things like declaring the Get-Timestamp function, deleting old transcript logs, and starting a new transcript file.

#region initialization

Install Modules

The "install-modules" region would be responsible for making sure all the necessary modules are installed (as mentioned above).

#region install-modules

Azure Logon

In the two template scripts involving Azure modules, I also included an "azure-logon" region responsible for connecting to your Azure account, and switching over to the correct subscription before you start doing anything else.

#region azure-logon


The "main" region is where you'd be putting the actual body of your script. Whatever it is you wanted to do, do it here.

#region main


The "finalization" region is at the very end of the script. All it does is stop the transcript. But if needed, you could add something like a cleanup code here, if needed.

#region finalization


It's important to remember that these "template" scripts are nothing more than good "starting points".

As such, it's likely that you may have to add some of your own changes in order to make them fit whatever it is you intend to do with them.

Don't treat them like a strict form to fill out. But more like a pliable piece of dough that you can turn into any shape or form.

As always, your mileage may vary.

Happy automating!



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